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It is my family’s desire that The Ripple Effect will be made available through therapists and doctors’ offices, schools and libraries. This book is for anyone who wants to learn more about suicide’s serious impact.


Please email me if you know of any schools, non-profit organizations, libraries, doctors, counselors or other entities that will benefit from this book. I will donate as many books as possible, with your help. Proceeds from purchase of the book will make donations possible. Likewise, if you donate to anyone, or places, please let us know. We would like to keep a Map and see how far reaching these words can go, and hopefully impact the World!


My family has deeply appreciated your support, and if you feel comfortable doing so, please forward this information to anyone you know. Please help us spread the news.


This book is a compilation of stories from a family and community who were affected by Garrett's choice on November 17, 2010 to take his life at the young age of 19.


The Ripple Effect: Invisible Impact of Suicide shows how those left behind were affected, and are motivated to help others by letting others know they are visible, worthy, loved and lovable and that new, conscious choices are available to make for their lives.


I'm pleased to say The Ripple Effect Invisible Impact of Suicide is NOW AVAILABLE on Kindle through Amazon!!!

If you purchased a paperback book through Amazon, and want to share that with others, you can order Kindle version for $1.99 using Kindle Matchbook! Kindle #: B00N9HB90


Enjoy & thank you for reading. :)


Your purchase helps others in need.

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